For over 80 years, Wilson-Epes has been a fixture of the highly specialized U.S. Supreme Court and Federal Appellate Court legal community. As the “go-to” company in a small world of Supreme Court and Federal Appellate Court brief printers, Wilson-Epes client list is a “Who’s Who” of top litigation law firms across the United States representing clients from around the globe. Many prominent lawyers, including John Roberts, Kenneth Starr, Drew Days and others have sat at Wilson-Epes’s small conference table proofreading briefs before final submission. This company has been an integral part of the nation’s legal history, printing briefs for many landmark cases such as Roe v. Wade, Bush v. Gore, Turner v. FCC, Watergate, Obamacare, and Marriage Equality.
In 2005, Mr. Dorsey was joined by his son who came from a “big box” printing company bringing the latest digital technology and production skills to Wilson-Epes operations. In 2012, Mr. Dorsey’s daughter Robyn was welcomed. With her background in process and management consulting, Robyn’s skills complimented the team, not to mention she is family. Robyn assumed the finance and administration responsibilities and has brought a fresh set of skills to the executive team. In 2016, Mr. Dorsey sold the business to his children and retired. Demonstrating flexibility with clients on a global scale, Robyn and the team at Wilson-Epes continue to its long standing commitment to quality, top-tier level service and an outstanding client experience.
We strive for no less than excellence in all we do. We have a commitment to try harder, persevere longer and not settle for “good enough.” Every accomplishment shall provide an opportunity for further growth, and every achievement shall spur us to another. We shall endeavor to finish first and best.
2016 © Wilson-Epes Printing Co., Inc.